Council members have put together the following points and ask that all members take these on board whether judging or exhibiting.
Judges must keep away from the sheep pens until judging has been completed.
Use your own judgement rather than be intimidated by exhibitors. Do not feel a sheep has to win just because it has won previously, if you feel that it is not warranted on the day.
If an exhibitor tries to influence or intimidate a judge, the judge has every right to ask his steward to request that person to leave the ring.
Judges are asked to take into consideration that some exhibitors are more able than others at show preparation. A good quality sheep can win even though it may be untrimmed.
Judges are encouraged to go to the pens after judging and offer explanations to exhibitors as to their placings.
Judges and members must be reminded not to enter exhibitor’s pens at shows without the owner’s consent.
Correct dress to be worn, white coats, shirt/tie. Shorts are not allowed.
Prize winners must be led out of the ring by the first prize winner.